JUCD Update

25th January


Derbyshire Dialogue – our next Derbyshire Dialogue takes place on Wednesday the 15th February at 10am via Microsoft Teams and is a chance to find out about the development of Joined Up Care Derbyshire's Integrated Care Strategy. The purpose of the JUCD Integrated Care Strategy is to set out how Local Authority, NHS, Healthwatch, and Voluntary Sector organisations will work together to improve the health of Derby and Derbyshire citizens, and further the transformative change needed to tackle system health and care challenges". You can click here to register. You will hear from Ian Hall (Programme Director) and Kate Brown (Director of Joint Commissioning and Community Development). There will be ample opportunity to ask questions, so do please come along and have your say.

Derbyshire Dialogue Review – Have you attended Derbyshire Dialogue and have thoughts/ideas about how it could be improved, or topics you would like the dialogue to cover? If so, please click here to fill in a quick survey and give your views 😊 You can also complete the survey if you haven't attended yet but would like to give your views, i.e. maybe there is a topic of conversation that would interest you.

Grab a cab – Please pass this information onto friends, family etc who need free support to get to vaccination or screening appointments. Click here.

Patient and Public Partner Opportunity - We will be setting up a co-production working group. The term co-production refers to a way of working where service providers and users work together to reach a collective outcome. The approach is value-driven and built on the principle that those who are affected by a service are best placed to help design it. For this work colleagues, system partners, patients, and public partners are being invited to work together to decide as a system:

•             What co-production means to us?

•             What the principles should be for how we want to work together?

•             Create a system-wide approach to co-production

We are looking for patient and public partners to be part of this work. Patient and public partners are lay members (volunteers) who want to be involved in improving health and care. They have experience either as a patient, family member or caregiver; and help health and care professionals see things from a patient, or service user perspective. If you are interested please see the information below. Expressions of interest should be sent to Beth Fletcher, Public Involvement Manager by the 5th Feb 2023 - beth.fletcher2@nhs.net.