NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICS - VCSE Chair Vacancy


Nottingham and Nottinghamshire VCSE Alliance Chair Vacancy.


The purpose of the VCSE Alliance will be to enable every citizen to enjoy their best possible health and wellbeing by bringing together representatives of local, regional and national VCSE organisations as a single point of contact, to generate citizen intelligence from the groups and communities that they work with.

This vital insight is then going to be shared across the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICS and ICB, to ensure that the experiences and views of local citizens are considered in the design and delivery of health and social care services in the region, and to enable an effective two-way flow of information.

The Chair will be a critical component in this ambition, driving the effectiveness of the Alliance and its role in strengthening the development of more meaningful and equitable relationships with health and social care partners. Another of the key responsibilities for the person appointed will be to support our “citizen first” approach, ensuring that the intelligence and insight from people and communities are collated and shared effectively.

Written strongly within the ‘Vision and Values’ for the Alliance, is the need to amplify the voices of those communities who don’t always engage with health and care services. To support this, a framework is being developed which will outline how citizens’ intelligence will be collated - utilising the experience of the Chair and Alliance members to engage with these communities - and how the outputs for patients will be measured.

The framework will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the Alliance.

The objectives for the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire VCSE Alliance will be to:

• Act as the main point of contact and facilitate two-way flow of communication between the NHS and VCSE sector, encourage collaboration, co-design and transformation.

• Join up intelligence – giving VCSE organisations better access to data and ‘market intelligence’ and vice versa.

• Provide a central point for reporting and feedback against national developments and regional priorities using intelligence from local communities and residents.

• Act as the main point of contact for leadership of the sector to liaise with commissioners and other stakeholders encouraging dialogue, co-design and collaboration.

• Enable small voluntary organisations to act as equal partners within the VCSE Alliance.

• Build capacity within the sector through joint applications for investment.

• Use shared data to identify emerging trends from across the wider VCSE sector that the VCSE Alliance represents, and influence key decision makers across the ICS, for the benefit of the sector.

For more information, including a downloadable Recruitment Pack, please visit the job listing HERE on our jobs page.