Nottinghamshire Farmstart Feasibility survey

23rd June


We are exploring the potential for Nottinghamshire to be the first UK county to offer a county-wide Farmstart programme. We’d love your help to better understand the demand for it and what it could look like.

In order to do that we are collecting consumer behaviour and attitudes towards local food (the demand) and also putting feelers out there for those that want to grow on a larger scale. 


Surveys/feedback links here 


1. Consumer of food (everyone!)                   

2. Growers who are interested in levelling up to a market/farm scale level - Nottinghamshires future farmers! 


The study will help form part of a study into Local Food Demand in Nottinghamshire, UK, is being conducted by a local team researching the potential for FarmStarts (Farm incubators) across Nottinghamshire, working with the Urban Agriculture Consortium and Nottinghamshire County Council. Nottinghamshire Farmstart could be the very answer to the need for more locally produced food on local shelves. 


This research is being conducted to better understand the barriers and enablers to the consumption of locally produced food in Nottinghamshire, with an interest in identifying the existing landscape and players involved in local food consumption and to gain an understanding of the current appetite for the consumption of food produced locally on an individual basis and beyond.


The results will be used for making a case for investment in local food production and for Nottinghamshire to be the first UK county to offer a county-wide Farmstart training programme for people to make a rewarding livelihood as a food producer. These livelihoods are only possible with the skills, and the people to sell to. 


Thank you so much for your involvement. Please share this with friends, family and colleagues and use it to spark a few conversations. 


If you'd like to read more about existing Farmstarts in the U.K., there are some great case studies to read here