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Hosted by: B:Friend
Opportunity Description: Do you have an hour a week to call in to an older neighbour for a cuppa and a chat? Our fab volunteers befriend isolated or lonely people aged 65 and above. You may be the only person they see for days at a time. You would have the support of a volunteer coordinator, receive training in safeguarding and data protection and have the largest benefit of making a new friend. If you feel this may be for you please head to our website and sign up. One of the team will be in touch when we receive your application.
Type of Activity: Befriending & Buddying, Community Work
Areas of Interest: Elderly
Skills: Interpersonal
Who we are looking for: We are looking for people who are 18+ and enjoy a good chat. We welcome volunteers who are good listeners, who are engaging and interested in people.
Requirements: Will require a Criminal Record Check (DBS)
Suitable for: Indoors, University Students, Older People
Practical considerations: Volunteers visit people in their home so any accessibility issues should be given to your volunteer coordinator. You will need to complete an enhanced DBS application and have an independent induction with your volunteer coordinator. Expenses can be claimed for travel. Visit dates and times are flexible.
Recruitment method: Application Form, Informal Discussion, Police Checks
Disabled Access details: You will visit the person in their home so access is based on what they have. Please discuss any needs with your volunteer coordinator
Expenses details: Yes
Any Age/Gender restrictions: 18+
Support for volunteers with additional needs: If a volunteer has additional needs and is able to visit a person in their home and fulfill the role of a befriender then we are able to support them.
Induction Arrangments: Individual induction with your assigned volunteer coordinator
Insurance Cover: Yes
Support Available: Yes. You will have an assigned volunteer coordinator you can contact for advice and support. b:friend also works with a counselling service available to all active volunteers should they wish to use it.
Training: No formal training given