BCVS has been in existence for over 50 years supporting the local Voluntary and Community Sector and the people of Bassetlaw.
Founded in 1973, BCVS started life as an infrastructure support organisation, originally known as Bassetlaw Council for Voluntary Service. At this time, the organisation was based in the Priory Gatehouse on Priorswell Road.
We moved to our current location on Priorswell Road from Park Street in 2012. The Old Abbey School was efficiently restored by the Worksop Priory and Gatehouse Community Trust, who have now become our landlords. The move has been nothing but beneficial for us with a central town location, on-site parking and a brighter and more economically sound working environment.
Further to the move, The Old Abbey School has undergone additional refurbishment with thanks to Biffa Award and the Local Improvement Scheme including a second mezzanine floor, paving, external lighting and new heating units. Our garden has also had a beautiful makeover and is now an attractive sun trap ideal for enjoying lunch and outdoor meetings during the summer months. As a result of the move and the additional refurbishments, we have been fortunate to host a number of tenants, who have enhanced our community engagement.
A strong, independent, thriving voluntary sector is essential for the creation of a better world, and especially in times of challenge and change. BCVS is proud to be able to articulate the voices of the often unheard in support of this goal.