Young People & Sexual Health – Engagement through partnership

3rd April


Young people deserve access to quality education, services and support around sex and relationships. The challenges young people face now in relation to sex, identity and sexuality are complex and far reaching and exist in both on-line and off-line spaces. Within the digital word sexting, porn, toxic ideologies, online grooming and bullying all impact our young people’s mental and sexual health and wellbeing. Whilst unplanned pregnancies, harms relating to relationship abuse, and sexuality transmitted infections continue to disproportionally impact on young people.

Young people from across Derbyshire have told us they value information advice and support from professionals who feel comfortable and confident in talking about sex and relationships.

We believe that by working together we can help support of young people to navigate the challenges they face, and to make healthy, positive choices in relation to their sexual health and wellbeing.

The Sexual Health Network events are hosted by Integrated Sexual Health Services who offer a range of services for young people across Derbyshire and Derby City.

To join us for this event please click on the following information.

May 8th Chesterfield Football Club 9 am to 1pm – to register link

May 9th Derby Conference Centre  9am to 1pm  - to register link