MS Society- Retford Multiple Sclerosis

Themes: Advocacy, , Physical Disabilities
Aimed at: All People
Welcome to our Retford Group
We’re here to support you and your loved ones to live well with MS.

Whether you have MS, or care about someone who does, join our group to connect with other people from the community and share experiences. We don’t want anyone to face MS alone.

From information on local services to opportunities to meet others in the area and more, our group is part of a large network of MS Society groups across the UK. We hope to meet you soon!

Monthly Coffee, Cake and Chat - 10-30am -Noon

The Well,
Hospital Road,
DN22 7BD

Seated Yoga on Zoom - Monday 1-30pm

At members home,
Usually at Retford Pilates Clinic, DN22 dentist building, Chapelgate.,

Online zoom social get togethers.- Tuesday @11am Wednesday @11am Friday 11am Zoom sessions - Quiz times Coffee and Chat mornings

Tai Chi - 10-30am , Monday's - weekly.
After first 5 sessions members with pay instructor direct £25 x 5 sessions or £6 per session

Physiotherapy-based Pilates exercise for people with MS who want to improve their strength and coordination. The class has a maximum of 10 people and is run by a qualified neurophysiotherapist.

Pilates is a form of exercise that aims to strengthen the body in an even way, with particular emphasis on core strength to improve general fitness and wellbeing. Exercises are often done on a mat, or using special equipment like soft balls and bands, and can be adapted for people with limited mobility.

Pilates exercises are low-impact but work every part of the body. They can help you build muscle strength and control and improve your balance, posture and body awareness. Pilates can also help your psychological wellbeing by relieving stress and tension, and offering the social advantages of being part of a group.

Date and time: Thursday: 1145 to 1245, by appointment only.
Retford Group
Contact: Jo Pritchard tel: 07543 944938 or
Area: Bassetlaw