South Normanton Community Church

Themes: Social Activities
Aimed at: All People
A welcoming village church, part of the Elim network, which meets in the Post Mill centre, South Normanton, each Sunday at 10:45. Our Christian service is BSL translated. We have a children's church which runs alongside the service for kids in school reception class and above. Sunday worship is lively and upbeat with modern songs, supported by technical and media expertise to make the experience of worship a multi-sensory one. We want to see the church in the community and the community in the church. On Fridays we have a 'friendly bench' where people come for coffee, company and cake. This takes place from 9.30am at 'Thrive' on the high street, near the Co-op.
Area: Bolsover

Contact Details

Thrive, 39 High Street
South Normanton
DE55 2BP
01773 687044