Sustainability, Inclusion, Diversity and Equity

A commitment to sustainability, inclusion, diversity and equality (SIDE) informs everything we do. BCVS leads this work through the SIDE working group, involving both staff and trustees. We will continue to share our learning, training and resources with local organisations and embed within all core infrastructure work in 23/24. One positive action example of our commitment is development of the Anti-Racist Alliance, led by BCVS and made of 20 VCSE sector Infrastructure organisations with a commitment to become and remain proactive anti-racist organisations. Anti-Racism Alliance | Bassetlaw CVS (

We explicitly champion inclusion, diversity and equity with positive action including Minority Ethnic Group development work and projects which focus on development of young people. We will continue to champion and share diverse voices and raise the profile of key diversity events throughout the year to ensure visibility and awareness raising across the VCSE sector and beyond.

Our Sustainability Policy:

Equality and Diversity Policy: