Our Culture and Values

BCVS culture is informed by BCVS values included in the BCVS Strategy #Working Together :


Integrity, Inclusion and Collaboration, Innovation and Learning


BCVS culture is reflected in our:


I.         Can do attitude

II.        Flexible, responsive and adaptable way of working

III.       Openness to embrace change in response to the changing needs of the VCSE sector and wider stakeholders

IV.       Growth of new talent through recruitment and support provided

V.        Support for staff to grow, develop and take on new roles and responsibilities

VI.       Proactive commitment to SIDE (Sustainability, Inclusion, Diversity and Equality)

VII.      Strong relationships with place-based partners

VIII.     Willingness to go above and beyond in line with our mission

IX.       Hybrid and flexible working operating in the best interests of our service users, volunteers, stakeholders and staff

X.        Professional, boundaried and accountable language and communications

XI.       Systematic declaration where conflicts of interest exist

XII.      Commitment to act in the best interests of the wider VCSE sector and our members

XIII.     Participation and celebration of a range of festivities including Christmas, significant birthdays, Pride, and diverse awareness days, weeks and months

XIV.     Commitment to listen and act in a data informed way

XV.      Understanding of different scope and grades of role and responsibility

XVI.     Care for each other and the communities that we serve